Example of my work

Example of my work
Headland/ Hometown

Monday, 21 April 2014

Professional - Being professional taking images - ethics

Not long into starting this course we had a visit from two local police, a policewoman and policeman. They talked about taking photographs in public and the ethics that come with that and also issues, problems and situations regarding public that go alongside taking images outside for all to see. They told us some reason why we might get asked by security, for example, what we're doing and to stop. However they haven't got the authority to stop us as we're allowed to take photographs as long as we aren't on their (company's) private land they can't stop us. They may ask us to stop and fair enough but they haven't got the authority to tell us and make us delete our images, we are allowed to keep them. They also talked about civilians talking to us while we're out and about and that they might ask us what we're doing and if we're allowed, have permission and especially if it involves being around children, even if we aren't actually photographing children but happen to be near and in the area. They said we should just be careful of how we go about but that it isn't against the law to take photographs out in public except images of the army. 

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