Example of my work

Example of my work
Headland/ Hometown

Monday, 14 March 2016

FMP - 1/2/2016 Video & Audio

For our first lesson with Jill we went through the possibility of using videos and audio within our work for our Final Major Project. As the lesson began we got told about what to expect in the upcoming couple of weeks, like on the 10th we had a visiting lecturer Frede Spencer from Twenty Twenty come in to talk to us. She asked us in groups to think of all the different ways you can use videos and audios within the photographic industry. The suggestions that came up were Advertising work, Promotional, Time lapse, Weddings, Events, Behind the scenes, Exhibitions, Actual work, Clients, Online magazines and as a Montage of images. She showed us the work of a past student, which we'd been shown before in year one, Dominique Aquio however as her work tied in to what we were talking about, which we watched again.
The first link is to Dominique's first video which is of the North East of England where she came to study at CCAD. The video is sped up, time lapsed and shot at various distances away from the action, from what is going on. It portrays how she felt whilst here, that she is feeling distant from this unknown land where - as the second video of hers is from her home land and portrays a more intimate relationship to the people and the place where she feels she belongs. Though there is time lapse used in this video there is also use of 'normal' video which helps portray the more intimate feelings she had for her hometown, she slowed time down because it was more of her memories, compared to the North East of England where everything seemed to go by fast and out of her control compared with her home which is a place she felt more comfortable and relaxed and this shows through the use of video. Video credit - Dominique Aquio. 
Seeing these videos, both together as a peace of work and with the music used with them, helped us to see how video and audio, together, can work really well and how they can work together in general. How incorporating time lapse with video can work well and also with the music, adding something to it, if chosen correctly. 
We spoke about different aspects of video, such things as still shots, if included, panning out of shots and adding audio or music.
We looked at Nick Knight's website and watched videos he had put up of his fashion videos in the studio and talked about how his work appeared and came across and his use of music within his videos. 
Alamy and Shutter Stock (which is apart of Getty Images) were mentioned also as you can now receive videos from their website as well as photos. Additionally Premier Pro and Vinyl Cut Pro were referred to as god sites to create your video, if chosen to make one. Furthermore if we would like to make a small video, not just of our work but a video of us talking about our work we could add it with our work to show with our final images on display. 
While talking about audio we got told of Audio Network Website and also told of a website Refinery Photography. Vii Agency.com was also mentioned as well as Media Storm and Duckrabbit and these are linked below with Refinery Photography.
An artist we got told about was Ed Kashi as he is part of the Vii photo agency. http://edkashi.com/?section=256.
After we spoke about the use of video, Jill spoke about kit and what we could potentially use   to create the video(s). Whether to use one or more cameras to capture what it is you want or a behind the scenes look from different angles. If you'd use a go pro or camera - (Canon or Nikon for example) and which microphones and the pros and cons of using the kit you use. Which benefits your work, which suites your needs best and to find the best to work with for what matches your needs. One piece of kit mentioned was Hotshoe and to have it on top of the camera. 

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