Example of my work

Example of my work
Headland/ Hometown

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Narrative - Single Image Group Critique

For our single image we (my class) presented them in a group critique and discussed each image individually with the particular photographer to which the image belonged, why it was taken, where, what does it portray? etc. We went through this planned exercise to receive some feedback from our peers, as we were all doing the same course, we were therefore all in the same boat and could help each other out in a positive and also critical way. I have already shown my final single image on my blog, which was of the man looking out at sea, but I'll put it on again as it also ties in with this post.
single image narrative
This is our work displayed so people could go around each one and write down what they think about the image, what they are trying to portray, why it was taken that way? etc. 
 We went through these images first, were we hadn't been told about other people's photos, then we talked about them after to see if our guesses were right and that what the person had took had been captured and the message/story came through in their image. People had chose to print them in different ways, though we all had the guideline from our brief that they had to be printed either A3 or 12 by 16. Which is very similar however A3 is wider and 12 by 16 is narrower and longer. I chose to print out on A3 and just print it from a photocopier printer where as some others decided to print professionally by sending it to a professional printing lab or perhaps a local printing place. I had hoped to print professionally but ran in to a few problems and then ran out of time to.

One of my images for this was took in the studio like I had originally planned but the actual photo I ended up taking wasn't. As I was doing the shoot, the camera I was using died so I had to resort to my iphone and the idea I had I was struggling to make work in the studio so with little time left and an idea that wasn't quite working a fellow student who was helping me thought of the theme 'Gluttony' so with what we had we used to create an image of gluttony.
As the time came to display our work in the group crit I was struggling again, this time to get the sizing right, and this is why I resorted back to the single image I had already taken a couple of weeks agao of the man looking out to see. I didn't decided to use this before because I wasn't sure it was a good enough or strong enough image however after receiving some of the feedback I'm pleased I used the image and don't know why I didn't just use it in the first place as it would have saved me panic because I had taken it in plenty of time. It has taught me to have a bit more faith and belief in my work and if I was right and an image isn't as good at least I had the confidence to show my work in front of my class as we are all here to learn and gain experience as well as new knowledge. We are all in this together and to help each other. 

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