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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Narrative - Robert Frank

One of the artists I have looked at is Robert Frank. He is most known for his work that he did in the mid to late 1950's. In the year of 1958 he published a book titled 'The Americans', it is this book were his most notable work is. His work before these images were in European places and were noticeably more luxurious and fancy. Whereas in his newer style his images were now both transparent and lean.

A quote by Robert I quite like "When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice"
And also what Elliott Erwitt says about Robert "Quality doesn't mean deep blacks and whatever tonal range. That's not quality, that's a kind of quality. The pictures of Robert Frank might strike someone as sloppy - the tone range isn't right and things like that - but they're far superior to the pictures of Ansel Adams with regard to quality, because the quality of Ansel Adams, if I may say so, is essentially the quality of a postcard. But the quality of Robert Frank is a quality that has something to do with what he's doing, what his mind is. It's not balancing out the sky to the sand and so forth. It's got to do with intention."
Images taken by Robert Frank and found on this site below;

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