Example of my work

Example of my work
Headland/ Hometown

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Before we started the final year, we all had a tutorial to attend to before we began any classes. This was to discuss which pathway we had chosen either Fine Art or Commercial and also any information we needed to know as we started our first week, such as our new timetable. I arrived a little early and waited for my turn to be seen. Once it was my chance to be seen I spoke to Jamie who, after hearing I would like to take and consider the Fine Art opportunity within the course, advised it might be best for me to take the Commercial pathway as it is apparently more structured which would suite me better as I work better with a little guidance of what I’m supposed to do as opposed to when I’m left to my own devices. Although I do think I can work well on my own and can happily do independent research and get on with my work though I understand their concern is with my, for want of a better phrase, lack of motivation at times within my work or I’m behind with it, were I struggle maybe to come up with an idea at first then I’m rushed more towards the end especially if there’s a hiccup which I have to correct which slows me down or in general if it just seems to take me longer to get the work done, with or without issues along the way. After I received the advice, which I took and chose to take the Commercial pathway I received my new timetable and the slightly altered timetable just for our first week back. 

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