One of the lessons we had for our professional studies was on report writing. In the lesson we were given a run down of the does and don'ts in report writing. From my notes I learned that: a report is not as in depth as an essay, it is mainly stating facts, it is best to use short paragraphs, short sentences. Also to use short facts, e.g could use bullet points whenever necessary and as many times as you wish. Some basics were also mentioned, things that I already knew but they are good to hear again. Things like a summery is the main point of the conclusion, sums up everything you have talked about in a small paragraph or two. It is outlining what the report is about. For the report we use the same referencing style as an essay. We got told what to use for Primary research (Questionnaires, interviews, surveys, museum visits etc) and Secondary research (Books, journals, internet) and that we can only use 10% internet, just like our essays. We got told to consider what information we will need and want for our report, need to think of a list of specific, to the point questions and link the facts logically. Write the report in third person. The intro slightly differs from the summary, though the summary is at the top of the report and not nearly last at the bottom. Recommendations are how the matter could be resolved and to list them by priority, so the most important at the top of the list. We also got told what appendices are and what to place in this section of the report. This can include visits, leaflets, emails both sent and received, questionnaires and anything else to add to the report which we may not have included before. For actual writing aspect we were told to keep it short and to the point, and to try not repeat what we've already said too much. Presentation wise we were also told to bullet point lists, don't have to write sentences, just to bullet point the facts. Space out lines (1.5 line space) and to keep it the same so it flows and looks right. It's best to check over and proof read the report. Paragraphs to be used for intro, conclusion and main body. Write the date you looked at the website for referencing if you used the internet.
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