Example of my work

Example of my work
Headland/ Hometown

Monday, 3 November 2014

Editorial - Tutorial with teacher

I showed one of my lecturers in my tutorial the photos I'd taken so far and I told him my chosen subject of 'Bipolar' within the given brief Editorial and theme 'Extraordinary'. He mentioned not to do the 'cheesy' sort of images regarding to people screaming etc and showing the split emotion and focus more on the actual person and maybe have close ups so we get to really see the person and their emotion without them actually showing us directly. Looking at and in to their eyes to portray how they are feeling. I liked this idea, as well as my own still, but obviously opted to do what the lecturer said as it was his feedback and what would be the point of going to receive feedback to help you with your work and then not listening? He also stated to use a minimum of five different people instead of just the one person as it could/ would get boring seeing the same person for all five images, even if they were various images. So I have chosen to shoot five different people and each separate to the last,  I have ideas for four but two may be quite similar to each other more if I can't think of a fifth. 

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