Example of my work

Example of my work
Headland/ Hometown

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Still Life - Product (Practice shoot)

For the 'Product' idea I just shot a Tango can I had to get some ideas going of what I could shoot for it, and also things like; angle, style and final. As shooting from home I kept it quite basic and simple, which I think I would have done anyway, i.e simple and plain background and also base. I shot from various angles to see which I preferred when it comes to shooting the final for the 'Product' Mini Assignment. For the lighting I just used one light from above which was the ceiling light.
After shooting the first three images I decided to turn the can around so you are able to actually see the label of the brand. I didn't at first as I just concentrated and focussed on trying out different angles. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Still Life - 1st two Mini Assignments (Food & Product)

For the first mini-assignment we got asked to take pictures of Food and then the second mini-assignment was Product photography. Both of these were around two week projects and we had to pick a minimum of one final picture of each and print it out. I missed theses first two and haven't quite decided what to shoot for food photography but will be going more in depth of it soon. I did think of a breakfast but this is fairly popular and has been done before so I may just use this as a practice. For Product photography I have thought of shooting a Lucozade bottle and have done little test shots with a Tango can just as practice and demonstration. I will Shoot both properly and then decide a final image however I may, as well as shooting these, think of something else I could do and choose this instead.  

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Still Life - Idea (Documentary)

In the first lesson, for the first time, I thought of an idea of what I could shoot for this semi - assignment within the main overall project brief. The idea of cigarettes popped in my head for some reason, I don't smoke but know plenty of people who do and one of whom is my mam, therefore I would be able to do this idea fairly easily. I thought of doing this for 'Documentary Photography' as it will be documenting my mother's cigarettes as she smokes. She has quite a few times but has smoked since I can remember really. As we began research on the general topic (documentary) or your own idea if you had one, during lesson two people each told me of artists who had photographed cigarettes to some degree, both of whom I had heard of. One was Irving Penn who I found out about during the beginning of first year and the second was Rankin, who I had previously found before Uni.