Example of my work

Example of my work
Headland/ Hometown

Friday, 27 December 2013

Portraiture - Andres Serrano

The third artist i am writing about is Andres Serrano. I have chosen this image as it stood out to me because of the appearance of it as it looks like a painting because of the background and look of the subject. I think Andres is a type of photographer were you either like his work or you don't because of the contents of some of his work. However for this piece I like the shading on the cheek and neck and how the face isn't just simply looking at the camera, her head is facing sideways and her eyes look to the camera creating a connection.

Andres Serrano at Chac Mool GalleryPhoto by Andres Serrano, found on the site below

Monday, 16 December 2013

Portraiture - Thomas Ruff

For my second artist I have chosen to look at is Thomas Ruff, who is known to take portraits in the style that they remind you of passports. The image below is a typical portrait shot for Thomas Ruff. On the face there is no expression, it is just blank and the framing is quite standard as well and matches his others, where there is either only a small space at the top or the head is slightly cut off and cropped just below the shoulders. Like his other portraits, it's a white, somewhat grey-ish background. I'm undecided whether I like his images as I'm not sure if I like the style, I don't think he quite captures who the person is as their photos are all taken in the same way and have the same look. However this may be what he wanted, to create a body of work and to suggest that we are all the same in some way, all human.

Found the image below on this site. Photographer Thomas Ruff.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Portraiture - Malick Sidibe

The first artist I have looked at photographs in a documentry style and in black and white, he focusses on everyday life from things such as ordinary people of all ages to sports events and night clubs and concerts. His work is known to be of popular culture in the 1960s.

I chose this because I like how the white clothes stand out against the dark background, therefore capturing your eye quite suddenly. As you begin to look closely and study the image you notice that even though they aren't touching their heads are both tilted downwards leaning close together, giving the image some intimicy. Withing the image also you can see Malick has caught a moment between these two people. They are dancing, having fun, enjoying the moment, you can see the happiness and energy.

Malick Sidibe - One nation under a groove.

Found on this website below.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Street Photography - Indecisive

Here is some of my images I'm thinking of picking the final 5 out of for hand in. I know some need to be redone if chosen, shame I'm running out of paper already on my second box 😞    Apologies for them being the wrong way around apart from two, still hope you enjoy.                                 

Street Photography Evaluation.
Nicola Callaghan

For this project, ‘Street photography’, I have chosen to take images on different elements and areas of street photography. I have taken images with people in the frame and I have taken architectural ones also as well as some more landscape like. I have attempted to take shots of all these concepts of the street to show alternative sides, angles, aspects and viewpoints of the street itself and to demonstrate the differences but how they all fall under one category. I completed the assignment by going out and taking the photos and then coming back and using the new techniques I had learnt in such rooms as the processing room and then the dark room, which were both brand new to me and therefore I have learnt a great deal and put those techniques and methods in to use to process, develop and print my film. Through using these I have developed the new skills gained by putting them to practice in the dark room and using the skills on the enlarger and gaining a better understanding of how to use the equipment required to complete the method of printing. I have also improved on gaging times needed to print images. The skills and techniques I learned ranged from processing the film, loading it in complete darkness and then using chemicals to develop the film to then being in the darkroom where I had to get to know how to use the enlarger machine and the equipment which goes along side that. I also learned more technical language and how to use it as well as the names of the equipment, camera knowledge and the history of photography.

Problems I had throughout this brief were mainly issues with the films and negatives however I kept going and persisted through. My first film fogged partially due to some exposure to the film. As I went on through the assignment more of my images came through as I learnt more about apertures and I had more luck with my films working better in the processing room although there were still some problems with not all my images being successful however this was due to the fact I did some experiments on night shots which didn’t quite work out too well. I overcome this main issue through focussing better on my aperture and using the light meter in my camera and after that my images did improve which I was pleased about, they were more consistent. Any input and guidance I received from peers and teachers regarding these problems I have taken on board as I appreciate the advice. For example in regards to printing I would try the time someone has suggested if I was struggling. I think I could improve my work by taking better images and therefore produce more clear photos because of this and I think I am more capable now I have learned and gained experience. The brief challenged me because I had to go out on to the street in public and take people’s photos not knowing how they’d react and this is why I think I don’t have that many photos of people and when I do their focus isn’t on me.

On reflection and overall I think I would work a bit more faster sometimes and try to get things sorted more in advance and hopefully then if I did finish early I would have had time to rectify any problems. I feel my outcome does coincide with the brief and like the fact a few of my images aren’t necessarily what some people may think of as street photography.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Street Photography - Ben Evans

This is the link to Ben Evans photography, there isn't too much street photography however he has some really lovely shots which are more my style, therefore i quite like his work in the street section of his website. It's more fine art and beauty landscape shots which is what I enjoy about it.


Street Photography - graffiti

Another good site to have a look at for street photography, which includes other art such as graffiti also


Street Photography - Markus Hartel

Markus Hartel is another photographer I've found and quite like his work also. Find the link below.


Street Photography - Ronya Galka

This artist Ronya Galka has some good work on street photography, here's the link to his section on street photography from his site


Street Photography

This is a good site to have a look through the artists and it gives you a few examples each of their work, out of 50 artists I'm sure there is something for everyone.


Saturday, 2 November 2013

Street Photography

Popped out to try some night shots, just before getting home, had an interesting subject in a pose, then his friend came out of the shop, even better chance of shots however at the worst possible time the inevitible happened and a photographer's worst nightmare, I ran out of film! Bad times.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Street Photography - prints, contact sheets

Images and contact sheets I've got so far, definately going to work hard the next two days and in the last week. Staying late all next week I reckon. Hopefully all goes well!

Street Photography - Film

Just some of the images, tests and film that haven't quite gone right, so getting rid of them, keeping just what I need essentially. Quite hard for me to do though as I've always been taught to keep mistakes and things that have gone wrong.

Street Photography - Camera

so hapy i've finally got my own camera, came through the post not long ago, think i'll take the dog for a walk and take some pics :) happy times

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Street Photography - Friday 18/10/2013

Processed another film today and came out probably my best technically though still a few images missing. Hopefully my next roll of film will be complete and all works.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Street Photography - Failure in film

Not the best day

Went out taking photos and wasn't sure if the film had rewound and so had to risk it, unfortunatley it hadn't. it wasn't even in the metal casing, it had completely come out, completely lost all photos. Wasn't too pleased. A little disheartening, not having mush luck with this project at the minute. Not going to give in though, I'll just buy more filma nd keep going! I put another roll of film I had in and started taking photos again however after a few photos I had taken the camera wouldn't take anymore, no luck what so ever. I'm guessing a low battery? Hope it goes better next weekend.

Street Photography - film

What I mainly did on friday, working hard :)

Contact sheets, tests and photos

Friday, 11 October 2013

Street Photography - 11/10/13


Spent pretty much all day in the dark room today and once I started getting used to how to do things I was well on my way, I did 19 photos, including tests and contact sheets oh and developed another film. All in all a productive day I'd say. I'll upload some images of what I have done tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the weekend as I've a camera and two rolls to shoot, let's go!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Street Photography - website

Another i liked because of the image capturing the movement, what's going on and the focus on the people and the background out of focus.

Site is Chowen Photography. Some good photos there

\\cchpsan01\student_home\CALNXA0091\Documents\street dancers.htm

Street Photography - Stephen Wright

Just browsing some general street photography on Google and quite liked this one because of the use of people in a line and all matching in the way they are presented.

Photos is Stephen Wright's.


Street Photography - 1st attempt at developing film.

Started Friday  4th Oct 2013

My first attempt didn't go too well, I was in the loading room for about 20 mins and failed to load the film on the reel, i then went back in for a 2nd attempt and was again unsuccessful.

Monday 7th Oct 2013

On Monday I tried again to load the film and see if it was salvageable what I thought I had managed to load on Friday however it wasn't. After realising I'd have to start again, I unloaded the film and cut of some more of the film at the end as I noticed I could afford to as i wouldn't cut into any of my images. I also did this to get rid of the problem I thought was causing the film to not load, which was a crease and a slight cut in the film. Once i had done this the load was very successful and i managed to do this quite quick now i had sorted the problem. Now I had managed to load it on to the reel I was ready to start on using the chemicals to develop my film and see what images I had. It took me about half and hour to get the temperature right, after this I gave up on that particular mix of developer and water and started a-fresh with colder water, now the taps had been running. However on the 2nd attempt I broke the thermometer as it fell out the case and slipped out my hand as I tried to put it back in the casing, felt bad about that! Told the technician and got that sorted. I used the developer for 20 mins agitating the 1st minute then 10 seconds every other minute for that 20 mins. I then poured the developer out in to the waste disposal and poured some stop into my container for 20 seconds and continuously agitated for the full time then poured the stop back in to it's container. Finally I used the fixer for 4 - 5 minutes as when I tested it it cleared quickly. I was worried that I had exposed the film to light in between the stopper and adding the fixer in as the lid, for the light stop, accidentally came off however i still carried on and put the fixer back in the bottle when i had finished. I then took out the roll of film from the container and placed it in the was bath although after about 5 minutes I took it out as I thought I'd exposed it to the light and in the wash the film appeared to be fogged. It was only after I took it out I spotted what looked to be some images on the film. So I  then quickly placed it back in the bath only briefly , used the solution to help the water run off and placed the roll of film in to the dryer for 30 minutes. phew.                   


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Street Photography

rainy weather outside, somehow thinking it could be potential for some good photographs maybe? load the camera and lets go...

Street Photography

Went out today for the first time with a 35mm camera, felt a bit rushed though as I tried using the whole film role in an hour in case I had a chance to develop it. Glad to be out taking photos again though :)